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Geological Time Line Easy Model for 8th Graders

Making The Geologic Time Scale Real Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Making The Geologic Time Scale Real

For Teachers 6th - 10th

Students construct a geologic timeline the size of a football field. They work in small groups to calculate the yardage for significant events in the Earth's history and then as a class pace out all of the events.

Fossils Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER


For Teachers 4th - 6th

Young scholars complete a unit on fossils. They read and discuss informational handouts, define key vocabulary terms, answer discussion questions, create a geologic timeline and a timeline of their own life, analyze bones, and create a...

Mesozoic Murals Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Mesozoic Murals

For Teachers 6th - 8th

Students create a mural of one of the Mesozoic Periods. In this geologic timeline lesson, students will research the plants and animals that lived in the Mesozoic Era in order to create a mural to scale that represents one of the three...

Making The Geologic Time Scale Real Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Making The Geologic Time Scale Real

For Teachers 4th - 6th

Students are assigned significant geologic events in Earth's history. They convert the date of the events into distances and then space themselves (on an outside playing field) away from other groups, to represent time between various...

History of Life on Earth Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

History of Life on Earth

For Teachers 7th - 9th Standards

Cleopatra lived closer to the first moon landing than the building of the pyramids at Giza. If your pupils are struggling to understand the timeline of the 4.6-billion-year history of the Earth, a lesson about the Geologic Time Scale is...

Origins: Earth Is Born Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Origins: Earth Is Born

For Teachers 5th - 8th

Young scholars develop a timeline of all the major events involved in the formation of the Earth and the emergence of humans. In groups, they focus on a specific topic by watching a PBS program and taking notes. After the video, they...

Geologic Time - When Was Coal Formed? Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Geologic Time - When Was Coal Formed?

For Teachers 7th - 12th

Students examine geologic periods and determine the major happenings in each. They complete a chart of information about the characteristics of geologic eras. They create timeline that shows the major epochs, periods, and eras.

Physical Land Features Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Physical Land Features

For Teachers 5th

Fifth graders create a timeline of their life on strips of paper, beginning with their birth and ending with the present. They compare their life's timeline to the timeline of the Earth, viewing various landforms created at various...

History of Life on Earth Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

History of Life on Earth

For Teachers 7th - 10th

Introduce your class to Google Calendar with a collaborative learning project that asks groups to create and share a Google calendar that compresses the history of life on Earth into a single year. Groups research a geological era...

It's About Time Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

It's About Time

For Teachers 5th - 8th

Young scholars create their own timeline. In this social science lesson plan, students write the important events that happened in their lives on their timeline and then compare their timeline to Earth's timeline.

Sandwich Stratigraphy Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Sandwich Stratigraphy

For Teachers 6th - 8th

Two activities are included in this resource. In the first, junior geologists model sedimentary rock layers, apply the Law of Superposition, and demonstrate folding and faulting of the Earth's crust. The model is technically a sandwich....

Evolution of Our Solar System Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Evolution of Our Solar System

For Teachers 5th - 11th

Students research pertinent solar system formation and Earth development events and work together to determine which events occurred first, second, third, and so on. Students arrange themselves as a human timeline across the room. ...

The Human-Made Landscape Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

The Human-Made Landscape

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards

Agriculture, deforestation, and urbanization. How have human's changed the planet and how might we mitigate the effects of human activity on the planet? To answer these questions class members research the changes in human land use from...

Show Me the Money Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Show Me the Money

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards

Class members learn how to estimate the total costs involved to design and build a bridge by including design, material, equipment, and labor costs. The activity includes a discussion about the trade-off between cost and aesthetics.

Creating a Neighborhood Timeline Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Creating a Neighborhood Timeline

For Teachers 6th - 8th

Students research information about their neighborhoods. Uncovering facts about geology and Native Americans, they examine how the neighborhood has evolved over time. They work together to create a timeline of specific events.

The Topography and Geology of Deerfield Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

The Topography and Geology of Deerfield

For Teachers 11th

Eleventh graders explain the topographical and geographical makeup of Deerfield. They explain the Massachusetts section of the Connecticut River Valley is located in the bed of glacial Lake Hitchcock, which contributes to its being a...

A Scale of the Earth Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

A Scale of the Earth

For Teachers 6th - 12th

Students create a scale model of the different eras, periods, and epochs of Earth's 4.6 billion year history. In addition to different time periods, other major events will also be added to the model from fabricated radioactive decay...

Timeline of Tijuana Estuary Populations Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Timeline of Tijuana Estuary Populations

For Teachers 9th - 12th

Students examine the various populations that have made their home in the Tijuana Estuary. In groups, they read an article and note the name of each population, facts and what tools they used in a journal. They use colored notecards to...

Earth History Part I Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Earth History Part I

For Teachers 8th

Eighth graders simulate geologic time using toilet tissue capture activity. For this earth science lesson, 8th graders identify the different characteristics of Paleozoic and Precambrian era. They hypothesize how old the Earth is.

A Place in Time Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

A Place in Time

For Teachers 4th - 6th

Students become familiar with an eruptive history and related world events and impart a sense of the immensity of geological time. They explore timelines by creating their own, then are introduced to major eruptive periods of Mount St....

Paleontology: A Field Experience Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Paleontology: A Field Experience

For Teachers 5th - 7th

Students go to a dig where they prospect for bones which simulate fossils. They encase the bones in plaster and transport them back to school for further investigation.

Can You Catch the Water? Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Can You Catch the Water?

For Teachers 3rd - 5th

Students work together to construct a model of a water catchment basin. They survey water patterns and complete experiments to see where rain travels and collects. They discover how engineers design structures that help with drainage.

Modeling the Solar System Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Modeling the Solar System

For Teachers 3rd - 12th

Young scholars build a scaled model of the solar system. In this space science lesson, students arrange them according to their distances from the sun. They analyze each planet's unique features such as density and relative gravity.

Lord of the Rings - A Study of Tree Rings Lesson Plan

Lesson Planet: Curated OER

Lord of the Rings - A Study of Tree Rings

For Teachers 7th - 8th

Students examine trees and discuss how the environment effected the tree. They also predict what the area look like in fifty years.
